Le club Rotary de Mantes la Jolie fait partie d'un Groupe actif de 6 clubs contacts :
Rotary Club de Bad Dribourg (Allemagne) http://www.rotary-bad-driburg.de
Rotary Club de Vilvoorde (Belgique) http://www.rotary-vilvoorde.be
Rotary Club de Palma-Almudaina (Espagne) http://www.rotarypalmaalmudaina.org
Rotary Club de Mantes la Jolie (France) http://www.rotary-club-mantes.fr
Rotary Club de Harrow (Grande Bretagne) http://www.harrowrotary.org.uk
Rotary Club de Saronno (Italie) http://www.rotarysaronno.org
On 5th march 1956 (nearly 50 years ago) president MAILLARD of Rotary Club Mantes la Jolie (father of our friend Jean-Pierre Maillard) visited Vilvoorde invited by our member Rtn LEJET, general manager of Renault Vilvoorde and regular contacts were decided.
On 23rd of june 1956 the president Herman Campion and a delegation of 10 Rotarians of Vilvoorde and their wives visited Mantes la Jolie for a first official meeting with our contact club.
8 Rotarians from Harrow visited Vilvoorde on 08th october 1956 and regular contacts are decided. Harrow became 2nd contact club of Vilvoorde.
In december 1956 Rtn Willy Cornet (International Commission) informs the club that RC Dordrecht is proposed as contact club to us and during the visit of 17th january 1957 to Dordrecht the proposal was accepted and Dordrecht joined in.
On 2nd may 1960 Rotary Club Bad Driburg is accepted at the demand of Rotarian FISCHER.
Regular visits between the clubs were organised. The week-end of 11th and 12th may 1968 Rotarians of Mantes la Jolie, Bad Driburg , Harrow and Saronno gathered in Vilvoorde.
During a visit of the president Pierre Landsvreugt and 9 Rotarians of Vilvoorde to Saronno on 4th and 5th of october 1969 Saronno became officially the 5th Contact Club. The contacts with Saronno started as a friendly business relation between Rtn. Willems de Laddersous of Biscuiterie delacre and Rtn.Lazzaroni of Saronno (father of the present president of Saronno Rtn.Luigi Lazzaroni).
In december 1972 Rotary Club Dordrecht decide to stop the relation with Vilvoorde and to leave the contact clubs.
Since 1974 it was decided to organise a yearly Contact Clubs meeting in may on a rotation bases. So today it is the 31st edition.
During the may 1993 Contact clubs meeting in Leuven organised by us the club Palma Almudaina is accepted as 6th contact club.
Since july 1987 a Music festival for young musicians is organised every year on a rotation bases under the impulse of Saronno.
In january 1998 the Gilbert Chatenay Fund is created , named after the Rotarian Gilbert Chatenay from Saronno , and proposed by Rtn Peter Floor from Mantes la Jolie.